Monday, May 9, 2011

Eden Fantasys...

I happened across this contest via the liberator's twitter, because of course, I follow liberator. hehehehe Anyway, there is a new contest via EdenFantasys And now that I read the fine print I suppose I'll be disqualified. Goddamnit!  I should have been following them on twitter a LONG time ago!  FUCK! I can't help but think of a very famous quote from the movie "Heathers", "Fuck me gently with a chainsaw..." Anyway, I have been longing for a (or 2) liberator shape(s) for what seems like forever and here was my chance.  So, whether or not I win, I still want a liberator!  Oh and BTW, there are so many ways to contribute to my (and Mr. Above and Beyond's) happiness.  A liberator is something that will be a really great addition to all my new toys, especially with the warming lube and my new Wartenberg wheel I received today. 
 Get to it bitches!  Share some links, like them on facebook, and follow them on twitter!  EdenFantasys has had some really cool contests, and I am so pissed that I may have missed out!  Whatever becomes of this contest, you better believe the next time a liberator is on the line, I will know WAY ahead of time.  I'll have a liberator soon, come hell or high water...