Friday, December 17, 2010

Foot update

Before the break on Wednesday morning.

My new foot wear. :(
The beginning of the week started off swimmingly; shopping, teasing, denying, etc., the usual basically.  On Wednesday, while putting on a pair of jeans, I broke my foot.  I know, it's nothing kinky or exciting, but that is how it happened.  I had one leg on and went to pull on the other leg (my 7 FAM jeans, I love them btw).  When I pushed my left foot through the leg and put my weight down, I heard the most god awful snap and fell.  I have had my feet "pop" before and that wasn't the same thing.  So after a few hours of blinding pain, trying to find a doctor and calling my insurance company, I drove myself to the hospital.  2 hours later it was confirmed, my foot was broken.  They wrapped it in a soft bandage and a hideous shoe.   I was told to see an orthopedic by the end of the week and sent on my merry way.  **Mind you they didn't even give me crutches.**  Anyway, yesterday I went to the orthopedic.  They also x rayed my foot, set it, and put a cast on.  For the next 2 weeks I will be sporting a lovely, red, hard cast.  It sucks!  I had to buy crutches, which hurt too and I hate being immobile.  I am far too independent and stubborn to have a little break hold me back, but alas, I don't have much of a say.  It will be at least 2 weeks before I am able to walk without crutches. So I am stuck in a cast for x mas.  Happy holidays, right?  Anyway, my freshly pedicured toes didn't go to waste, as lots of people had the chance to admire them.