Sunday, November 14, 2010


Last week has been SUPER busy!  TONS of shopping, playing,!
I have added a new "boy", that is now being considered.  I'll start by saying he is very inexperienced and very bold.  That is how he has gotten the name that I now call him.  He is to be addressed as "sassysub" now.  Since he is so new, we have started with a consideration contract for 6 weeks.  After that, we'll have to see how he improves.  Now, he is getting guidance and structure.  He has to send me a journal entry everyday, wear his new panties as directed, and learn some proper manners.  I am enjoying his company and hope he successfully completes all tasks.  He will, eventually, be a well rounded submissive when can learn to keep in the right mindset.  He bought his first pair of panties and pics are going to be posted on the "subs" page.
Also making an apearance on the "subs" page is pedidog.  He adores my feet so much that they are going to take over him completely.  I'm sure his peer and co-workers in vanilla life think he's some big shot, when in reality he is my foot bitch and NOTHING MORE!  The only purpose in his life is to please my feet.  He is allowed to bow for them and adore them.  He is also responsible for their shoes, which, "Are better than his wife". lol  He wants nothing more than to have the chance to catch a peek of them or my filthy flip flops.  I think if I were to let that bitch lick the grime off my shoes he'd be overcome with ecstasy and maybe even faint!
I have also been doing quite a bit of shopping.  My latest goal was to find the perfect pair of jeans.  Well, I already have a pair of 7 FAM, but (as usual) I wanted MORE! lol  I ended up getting 3 pairs of Levis which are ok, I guess.   I also got a new Chanel bag and LOVE it!  My new goal is red boots and pull on black thigh high boots, as well as a latex skirt.  My panties are selling like hotcakes so get them now!  And that reminds me, I need to stock up on more.  Anyway, I've been super busy and I want to post more often, but there is only 1 ME!