Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Last weekend and updates

Weekends are always hectic.  I have SO much fun playing with my boys.  I also took a whole bunch of new pics.  I have been doing a bit of local traveling, which is always fun.  Sunday was especially busy, around 4 pm, I realized I hadn't eaten since Saturday.  I went in search of some Chinese food, and couldn't find anything suitable.  So I went to a BBQ restaurant and asked to place a take out order.  As I was ordering. the cashier asked if another customer (whose food was ready) could pay.  I patiently stepped aside as the other customer handed him a credit card.  The cashier asked, "Do you have cash?  Our credit card machine is down."  I was standing there with just my keys and bank card, and half jokingly said, "Well, I guess I am out of luck."  The guy was paying cash for his food and asked how much my dinner was going to be.  He handed the cashier some more cash and was very polite as he left.  Now I know that all restaurants have the old carbon paper credit card machines, for exactly this kind of situation.  I, however, was very pleased with my free dinner.  I had every intention of paying for my meal, but it is always a pleasant surprise to not have to.  I get such a thrill when boys willingly hand over cash to make me happy. 
Some updates
My little bitch-He's been sucking cock to please me.  Last night he was wearing lipstick and panties when the guy came on his face and told him that he was doing a bad job.
sissy mary-Is going to remain chaste until further notice as well as bound for as long as possible daily.
slave jeff-has made the big move to a place where prostitution is legal...YAY for me!  Soon he'll be my whore, to suck cock and have his ass filled for money.
slave "j"- Is now on a schedule for release and chastity.  Limited orgasms, porn, and access to certain sites.
chris-Has been told to lose weight.  His weigh in was yesterday and has yet to tell me the news (gain/loss).  I am always disappointed when there is no change or gain.  Although I can tell that he's getting more toned, because his panties fit much better now.
subbie- Is still trying to impress me with his sweet words.  I always enjoy hearing how much one is devoted to me.
Also, my birthday is on the horizon.  I'll be making a new wish list and planning a get away for a few days.