Thursday, August 26, 2010

My husbands...

I woke up especially early and did my yoga.  Then I was off to run errands.  When I returned home, it felt like a sauna inside.  That couldn't stop me, I had to get things done, my dog was to be picked up in the afternoon.  Around 4 pm my friend calls to tell me that he and my ex husband (with his new wife) were on their way.  I haven't seen or spoke to my ex since the split.  So, they arrive, in a mini van full of kids, to retrieve my dog.  Well, at one point he was our dog. 
There they stood, our (my ex's, mine, and my husband's) friend and my ex, at my front door.  I didn't know what I would feel when I opened the door.  I will tell you what I felt, absolutely nothing.  I was completely apathetic.  He barely resembled the person I had met so many years ago.  He's gained weight, has a fat cunt for a wife (who wasn't even adult enough to get out of the car and meet me), and a whole litter of children that aren't his.  I invited them in and we talked for a few minutes.  I said my goodbyes to my dog, we've been through SO much together.  The ex loaded up our dog and his food.  And they were gone.
Today will be spent waiting for the air conditioner to be fixed, swimming, and then the long journey south.  My husband is fully aware that the ex was here and picked up the dog.  He is secure enough to know that I have absolutely NO interest in the ex.  We have a very strong marriage and he knows that.
As far as my fun, playtime, and shopping goes, well, it hasn't gone.  No playing (except a little Tuesday and this morning), no fun, and no shopping...yuck!  I want to play and shop tonight and tomorrow!  Be ready for me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Today and tomorrow

I am going to be extremely busy.  I have a lot to do and not enough time to do it in.  I woke up at 6 am today so that I could fit in a quick workout and check emails, before I have to run errands.  I hope that the weather clears up so that I can get some sunbathing done, but that doesn't look likely.  I'll be around and about, off and on.  I also received some lovely new shoes and need to get the pics posted.  Be sure to check out My Dirty Panties link, as I had added some of my regular (vanilla) clothes and shoes.

Pretty in pink!

These are awesome!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fun with slave jeff

Yesterday slave jeff was on his way out of town, a little road trip.  We've been discussing anal stretching lately.  So, he stopped on his way and purchased the set of butt plugs.  The smallest is 6" x 1.5", the medium is 7" x 1.7", and largest one is 9" x 2".  We, of course, started with the smallest.  He wore it for about an hour, before, "It got to be torture".  After he removed it, he was extremely aroused, so I made him wear clothes pins on his nipples for a while.  When they were good and tender, he pinched them with his fingernail.  Hard.  Still aroused, I made him pinch them harder.  With an unrelenting erection, I told him to stroke himself, slowly, but he wasn't allowed to cum.  He did as he was told.  He's constantly teased and denied, in fact, the entire time we've been playing (about a month, now), he has had only one release.  My goal is to have him in panties (which he wears now, almost daily) with the cum through penis plug in (still working on long term), and the 9" butt plug in, while sucking cock.
 Butt plug is in.

In panties.
Penis plug.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This is how it will be.

I will not chase you down.  I am far too busy to find you.  You will come to me.  You need me.  Daily contact and progress reports will be made (initiated by you).  If you're truly sincere; you'll start by sending a gift, cash, e-gift card, etc.  I have come across way too many that are seeking a free wank.  I don't have time for that.  The subs that I keep in my company are very privileged and know that.  I am good at what I do.  I push limits, tease, deny, discipline, feminize, and I enjoy every minute of it.  I, however, love money too.  I will take your money and gifts and you'll get pleasure knowing that you've made me happy.  That is your goal, to please me at any expense.  I have different tasks for different boys.   They vary from NT to edging.  These tasks can be bought or earned.
On a side note, I need a cuck that will fund my sexapades.  Hopefully in a few weeks I will be seeing my husband for the first time in 19 months.  There are travel expenses, hotel, lingerie (for me), and toys that are needed.  This cuck will spare no expense to ensure that our sex is nothing short of euphoric.   I also want the liberator wedge/ramp.  It can be found here.
I also received my Victoria's secret package yesterday and if you'd like to see what I got, you can purchase the pics.  3/$10.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My foul fucking mood

Yes, I am moody, unpredictable, and irritable.  The good news I received on Monday wasn't as good as I thought it was.   After being so excited and elated; I got information yesterday that not only negated the good news, but was borderline bad news.  All that I was looking forward to was destroyed.  Thus, my foul fucking mood.  So, now it's time to put myself back together, buck up and deal with it in a spiteful manner.  I am not one to allow someone to fuck with me or my family.  Long story short:  someone didn't do their job properly, and now I'll be sure they don't have one anymore.  I will compose myself, as I spent most of yesterday in shock, now I am angry.  Granted, even if the lazy fucker loses their job, it probably won't change my situation, but I'll at least feel better. 
Anyway, with all this shit going on in my personal life, I haven't had much time to get anything else done.  I hope everyone reading this takes the time to do something to put a smile back on my face.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sissy mary

My bitch, sissy mary, was inconsiderate and rather defiant this weekend.  She was sent to buy more rope (there was a situation on Friday), a mic, and the week's groceries.  Instead, that dirty little whore took it upon herself to stop at the pub instead of returning home.  I waited, albeit not long, but nonetheless I waited for her return.  Come to find out:  after leaving the pub, she went home, tied up my cock and balls, put on her sissy panties, and went clubbing.  WTF?!?!  Seriously, clubbing.  I am so disappointed that I don't even have words for such a filthy, little, slut.

Another busy day.

Today started with some unexpected good news.  I have A LOT to do.  In addition to my regular daily activities, I also need to update my Panties site, Talk Sugar account, and post some new pics. *sheesh*
I am so happy that I will be seeing my husband much sooner than I had expected.  I will be spending more time doing yoga and sunbathing.  I also will be setting up a set schedule of my availability.  This schedule will be nonnegotiable and may change at any time to suit me.  My play times will vary and that is why I am perfecting my TS account.  I am also going to make a new page where an application to serve and tasks can be bought.  So, needless to say I am going to be busy, busy, busy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I was terribly busy yesterday.  I woke up at about 7 am and scurried around the house quickly.  I needed to be out the door by 8:30.  At 8:40 I was in my car and off to start my day.  First stop was the bank, which was fine.  I realized I needed gas before my journey, so I stopped at the closest gas station.  The first pump I pulled into didn't have the "pay at the pump" feature, so I drove around to the next one.  When I got out to start pumping gas, there was a ignorant-redneck-fucktard on the other side of the pump.  He stuck his fat face out his window and said, "You got a number I can git?" 
I, of  course said, "No."
His reply floored me, he said, "I saw how you were looking at me, lemme git yer number."
I showed him my wedding rings and said, "Why don't you ask my husband?"
He promptly showed me his wedding band and said, "So, I'm married too."
Anyway, he tried to flatter me and whatever it was he thought was flirting, but I was just annoyed.  He finally drove off with his poor little ego bruised.
After driving for (what seemed like) forever; going to my appointment, several stores and driving some more, I was home and exhausted.  I wanted to nap, but that wasn't in the cards for me.  I was mean and irritable.  I finally went to sleep just before 10 pm. 
Now, after a nice and restful slumber, I am ready to tackle the day full steam ahead.  Beware:  I might be a little feisty today. 

Monday, August 9, 2010

From my retard

I would like to formally apologize to you, my beautiful Princess, for not following your instructions.  Princess is always right.  I am always wrong.  It is important to obey the Princess without hesitation or question. 

I want it all!

I love the power I have.  I know I can make boys into mush.  
I love that they will do as I say.  The control and power are very rewarding.
When I want something, I get it.  I always get what I want. 
I have made boys cry, more than once.I love to push limits; mentally, physically, or financially.
I love when subs entertain me, send me pics, and sacrifice for my happiness.
When we play or tasks are assigned, I always get a thrill; knowing that it's all for me.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

There is a burning smell coming from my computer

I don't know why or from what, but I have the feeling that this iBook might not be around much longer. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today I will be editing a new foot video, lying in the sun, playing, and then girls night tonight!  I am going to have a better day today, and there are no two ways about it!  I also will be posting some new sub pics and maybe on cam a little bit.  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today started as most, 2 cups of coffee and 2 cigarettes.  I had the chance to play some this morning and that was fun.  It was all down hill from there.  My necklace broke, I dislocated my shoulder, and I am at the end of my rope.  I am livid, frustrated, and pretty fucking mean right now.  I suggest that  if you decide to contact me; proceed with caution.  I am not pleasant right now.  I am going to take a hot shower, put on some comfy pajamas.  Maybe I'll be in a better humor later...but it's not looking good. 


From Subbie

so i'm having a difficult time writing this, because its hard to do anything that takes thought when You've got a chubby. this is how Women are able to so easily rule men if they choose to do so. all they have to do is get us hard, then boss us around. as long as they keep us hard, they stay in control. anyway, the reason i'm writing this is because i wish to let the world know how perfect Princess Above and Beyond is. Her name speaks for itself, She is a princess, and she is above and beyond anything you have ever imagined. i worship Her unconditionally. i need Her. i crave Her. i go chaste because She says. it kills me to do so, as i become puddy when all the blood stays in my stiffie and theres nothing left for my other head so i don't think straight or at all. but thats the way i like it, i love not having to think because i'm lucky enough to have Princess to think for me and tell me what to do. This is why i exist, to do as She says, and it makes me so happy that i get to be a part of Her life.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Blah (bitching)

I had a lot of fun last night and not so much today.  I was up late and up early.  YUCK!  I didn't get ANYTHING done today.  My computer (that I dropped last week) is making strange grinding and crackling noises.  My day was all planned out but due to extenuating circumstances nothing has been accomplished.  I am frustrated with this old computer, pissed that I didn't get anything done, and all around just BLAH.  I have been trying to write but can't seem to get much done at all today.  No yoga, no sunbathing, and not much cleaning...
So, tonight, I am going to hang out with the fam, drink some wine, and chill on the couch (minus the whip).  I haven't done much today, why start now!