Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Completely random

1.  I don't like chocolate.
2.  I like raw spinach, but not cooked.
3.  I love music trivia.
4.  I hate camping.
5.  I love to play Super Mario (old and new).
6.  I still have CDs from high school.
7.  I love the smell after it rains.
8.  I don't cry during movies.
9.  I love olives.
10.  I'd rather have edamame than potato chips.
11.  I really like astrology, a lot.
12.  I am not religious at all.
13.  I hate the cold.
14.  I have never skied (water or snow).
15.  I yoga almost everyday, but still can barely balance on one foot.
16.  I am a plethora of music knowledge.
17.  I am really laid back.
18.  I commit all of the 7 deadly sins (almost) daily.
19.  I love shoes.
20.  I am not free.  And either is my time.
21.  I hate Bailey's Irish Cream.
22.  My favorite liquor is Vodka (Grey Goose, etc.)
23.  I have a weakness for peanut butter.
24.  I am not a true sadist, I do have a heart.
25.  I love to tease, and have been called one for many years. ;)