Yes, I am moody, unpredictable, and irritable. The good news I received on Monday wasn't as good as I thought it was. After being so excited and elated; I got information yesterday that not only negated the good news, but was borderline bad news. All that I was looking forward to was destroyed. Thus, my foul fucking mood. So, now it's time to put myself back together, buck up and deal with it in a spiteful manner. I am not one to allow someone to fuck with me or my family. Long story short: someone didn't do their job properly, and now I'll be sure they don't have one anymore. I will compose myself, as I spent most of yesterday in shock, now I am angry. Granted, even if the lazy fucker loses their job, it probably won't change my situation, but I'll at least feel better.
Anyway, with all this shit going on in my personal life, I haven't had much time to get anything else done. I hope everyone reading this takes the time to do something to put a smile back on my face.