I woke up especially early and did my yoga. Then I was off to run errands. When I returned home, it felt like a sauna inside. That couldn't stop me, I had to get things done, my dog was to be picked up in the afternoon. Around 4 pm my friend calls to tell me that he and my ex husband (with his new wife) were on their way. I haven't seen or spoke to my ex since the split. So, they arrive, in a mini van full of kids, to retrieve my dog. Well, at one point he was our dog.
There they stood, our (my ex's, mine, and my husband's) friend and my ex, at my front door. I didn't know what I would feel when I opened the door. I will tell you what I felt, absolutely nothing. I was completely apathetic. He barely resembled the person I had met so many years ago. He's gained weight, has a fat cunt for a wife (who wasn't even adult enough to get out of the car and meet me), and a whole litter of children that aren't his. I invited them in and we talked for a few minutes. I said my goodbyes to my dog, we've been through SO much together. The ex loaded up our dog and his food. And they were gone.
Today will be spent waiting for the air conditioner to be fixed, swimming, and then the long journey south. My husband is fully aware that the ex was here and picked up the dog. He is secure enough to know that I have absolutely NO interest in the ex. We have a very strong marriage and he knows that.
As far as my fun, playtime, and shopping goes, well, it hasn't gone. No playing (except a little Tuesday and this morning), no fun, and no shopping...yuck! I want to play and shop tonight and tomorrow! Be ready for me!