So while being immobile, I have decided to utilize this time. I am getting creative with nite flirt, my pics and financial domination. Yes, greedy me. LOL! Whatever! Anyway, you can
try to impress me. The "painful pretty package wrapping" task will be lots of fun, for me, that is. And I am adding more pics to be purchased...some naughty, some nice. I also had an adventure this weekend wearing my new latex skirt. That was very interesting with my foot in a cast! Unfortunately I think I have already ruined it with my fingernails. You can replace it or add to my new found obsession. Pics are also going to be on NF.
So, while others are out doing some last minute preparations for the holidays, you will be handing over all your Christmas cash to see my pics and hear my voice! I will make sure you have a very merry (painful and broke too) Christmas. That will ensure that mine is jolly too! While I relax and recuperate you can give me a happy holiday season!
Pretty package wrapping task

3 pics of me in a latex skirt

3 SUPER sexy pics!